Welcome back guys !
Today I want to suggest you guys the restaurant in Temerloh that sold silver catfish cuisine.
Firstly, you guys can go to Claypot Patin Tempoyak Restaurant. It is located at No.62, Persiaran Damai 1, Temerloh. This restaurant operating hours is on 10 a.m. until 9 p.m Saturday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Thursday and Friday is off day. Other than that, this restaurant had been open almost 5 years since 28/04/2014.

Do you want to know what is interesting here ?
For your information this restaurant served gulai patin tempoyak cuisine in clay pots. It will arrives at your table with hot and bubbling gulai patin tempoyak. This is the first restaurant in Temerloh served in clay pots. What I like about this restaurant is every portion of silver catfish is cut into a large size and the price is very affordable. The menu at this restaurant served are gulai patin tempoyak, asam pedas and fried patin fish. Most customers like to order the meal set of patin tempoyak which the price is only RM 16.00. The price is included ;

  • one plate of rice with sambal hitam Pahang
  • one set patin tempoyak 
  • tea o' ice

The recipes of the gulai patin tempoyak is family recipes. This restaurant is also will open their second branch at Seksyen 27 Shah Alam. So if you don't have any opportunity to visit Temerloh maybe you guys can go to their second branch to taste this awesome gulai patin tempoyak in clay pots !


  1. other than this restaurant, which restaurant in temerloh is the most popular?

    1. you can also go to Patin Bangau or Go'Bang Maju Patin Tempoyak. I will write about Patin Bangau Restaurant soon in my blog so wait for it ! 😇


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