Assalamualaikum everyone !
Today I would like to write about the benefits of eating silver catfish. I had make some research on the internet and got the information about this topic.
Did you know why I suggested you guys to try eat silver catfish cuisine ?
This is because silver catfish have many nutrients that contains in the fish body that can give benefits to our body.

The advantages of eating silver catfish is ;
  1. The fish meat is fat and very tasty.
  2. Have low cholesterol content. it also makes the most important nutrient in silver catfish. Therefore, these fish can help patients with high cholesterol problems or anyone who wants to diet.
  3. Eating silver catfish can also prevent the accumulation of fat and narrowing of the blood vessels as well as accelerating muscle growth.
  4. Silver catfish can prevent any cardiovascular disease and heart problems.

Silver catfish also can help fetal growth for pregnant women. Why ?
Because ;
  • Silver catfish have DHA content and high Omega 3 content

This content is very good because ;

  • Maintain the health of the fetus while in the womb
  • Maintain fetal growth to remain normal
  • Keep the fetus healthy 

That's all from me today. See you guys soon !


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